Foodbank 2024 2024-12-27 05:00:00Z 0

Bacon on a Bun 2024

This week is shaping up to be a successful one, with numerous activities taking place at the Renfrew Rotary fair booth, including the installation of new screens, fascia boards, and signs. Did you know that proceeds from Bacon on a Bun sales are reinvested into the community, supporting initiatives such as splash pads, playgrounds, hospice, hospital, food bank, and teacher against poverty programs? Renfrew Rotary
Bacon on a Bun 2024 2024-09-05 04:00:00Z 0
Live Dinner Theatre Kent Tubman 2023-06-21 04:00:00Z 0

Central Public School Playground

Posted on Nov 13, 2022


Thursday Nov 10, 10 am  Members of the Rotary Club of Renfrew were present for the ribbon cutting for the completed playground at Central Public School.  
Central Public School Playground Kathy Lofthouse 2022-11-13 05:00:00Z 0


 Rotary Club of Renfrew Celebrates 100 year anniversary
Members celebrate century milestone and look forward to continuing the club’s legacy of
“Service Above Self” for Renfrew and Area
This year marks the 100th anniversary for Renfrew Rotary, a service club, chartered in 1922, that has raised more than 2 million dollars for local organizations, worthy causes, and international projects. Members plan to honour the rich history of the club with a renewed focus on increasing membership diversity and dedicating club efforts to “Rotary Helping Kids” in 2022.
“Rotary Helping Kids” projects this year include:
  • $75,000 in improvements to the Rotary Splashpad at Mateway Park
  • Assisting Central Public School to build a $120,000 playground in partnership with No Frills and Canadian Tire – The fundraising campaign begins in Spring 2022
  • Continue to facilitate international exchanges for Renfrew students
  • Provide additional support for Renfrew Teachers Against Poverty (TAP)
  • Fund four post secondary scholarships
For many years, Renfrew Rotary has been focused on improving access for youth to mental health care and resources by supporting The Robbie Dean Centre.
“In 2011, I lost my 18-year-old son Robbie to suicide.  After this loss I became determined to ensure Renfrew County families would have somewhere to go to get help for their youth. The Renfrew Rotary Club was one of the initial funders that believed in me and with their help, the Robbie Dean Family Counselling Centre was born. The on-going support from Renfrew Rotary is crucial to the Centre's sustainability and growth” says Monique Yashinskie, founder and Executive Director of The Robbie Dean Family Counselling Centre.
The club is well known for the “World Famous Bacon on a Bun” booth at the Renfrew Fair in addition to the successful International Youth Exchange Program that has sent over forty local students on a one-year adventure in a foreign country. An equal number of local families have hosted students from all over the world as part of this exchange program. 
“As a 51 -year member of Renfrew Rotary, I continue to be inspired by the generosity of the good people of Renfrew and the hard work of club members in supporting the community and the immediate impacts of our efforts.  My most vivid memories are what we accomplished with Meals on Wheels, Rotary Club Homes and the Music Festival” says Dr. Ron Lavigne.
More recently, Renfrew Rotary initiated annual multi year $5000 donations to:
  • Renfrew Victoria Hospital
  • Renfrew Hospice
  • Robbie Dean Centre
  • Renfrew Food Bank
“When I joined Rotary, I was amazed at the incredibly diverse portfolio of causes the club has supported in the past 100 years. From helping eradicate polio worldwide to building Rotary Club Homes  for low-income seniors to helping returning WW2 vets to supporting Easter Seals for disabled children to helping build Hospice Renfrew and Rotary Hall at Bonnechere Manor. The club has made a notable impact both globally and within the local community.” says Bruce Rozycki, current Club President.
                                                                                                         (Youth Exchange and Interact students hold a BBQ at town square)
If you are interested in making a donation to support Rotary programs, please visit then click on the Donate Now button to view options. If you have any donation questions, please email us at
The motto of the Renfrew Rotary Club is “Rotary brings community minded people together to exchange ideas and take action to improve the local and international communities – and we have fun doing it!”
“One of the things I find most rewarding about Rotary is the collaboration between our members and the community to achieve hugely impactful results. I encourage anyone interested in joining Rotary to contact us to learn more about our work.” says Rotary Member and Past Club President Marg McNab-Tubman.
For media inquiries or information on membership  please contact Bruce Rozycki, President, Rotary Club of Renfrew
Phone Number:613 880 8114
Centennial Bruce Rozycki 2022-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Friends of Rotary - Meals on Wheels

                                       FRIENDS OF ROTARY
Friends of Rotary are a group of volunteers connected with our Rotary Club who help us with our commitment to serve our community.  These volunteers play an integral role in this as well in the fundraising initiatives that we do throughout the year.
Here we have one of our dedicated friends of Rotary, Larry Wilson, delivering meals on wheels to Hospice Renfrew.  Costs of the meals on wheels program as well as our contributions to Hospice Renfrew are made possible in part by our involvement with Delta Bingo
Friends of Rotary - Meals on Wheels John Wilson 2021-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

We Meet virtially using Zoom

Our club meets regularly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month beginning at 12:10 p.m.
If you would like to join us for a virtual meeting, please contact our President for private link.
Guests and Members are encouraged to join the meeting early for a pre-meeting chat.
Hope to see you soon.
We Meet virtially using Zoom Kent Tubman 2020-10-09 04:00:00Z 0
2020 Bacon on a Bun Kathleen Lofthouse 2020-09-15 04:00:00Z 0


The Rotary Club of Renfrew, together with myFM, is HELPING AT HOME.
Our goal is to provide some financial aid for anyone in need.
Our community has responded with amazing support raising over $21,000 including $5,000 from Renfrew Rotary, $2,500 from Renfrew metro and $2,500 from MacKillicans & Associates.
Thank you to everyone who has donated.

We’ll make sure we help those who need it most, here at home.

HELPING AT HOME Kent Tubman 2020-04-29 04:00:00Z 0
Bonnechere Manor 2018-11-27 05:00:00Z 0
Art Dick Michael Laverty 2018-10-17 04:00:00Z 0
Bacon & Egg 9 Hole Scramble  2018-07-04 04:00:00Z 0
Bacon & Egg Scramble 2018-07-04 04:00:00Z 0
Ma Te Way park washrooms 2018-07-03 04:00:00Z 0
Renfrew Rotary Music Festival 2018-03-26 04:00:00Z 0
Bacon & Egg Nine and Dine Scramble 2017-07-22 04:00:00Z 0
TRIVIA NIGHT 2015-03-21 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Hall Presentaion 2014 2014-08-26 00:00:00Z 0

Renfrew Rotary Music Festival

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Once again the Rotary Club of Renfrew is hosting the Rotary Music Festival.  
Click here to access a copy of the Music Festival Program
This festival provides a forum for music students to
*  learn to prepare for a performance at a finished level
*  Help the competitor acquire self confidence by playing before an audience.
*  Give the competitor the benefit of expert criticism from an unbiased adjudicator
*  Broaden the musical horizon and sporting instinct of the competitor in competition
*  Raise the standard of music in the community
The vocal portion of the festival runs from Aril 23 - 25 at the Renfrew Presbyterian Church, 460 Raglan St.
The piano portion runs from April 28 - May 2 at Trinity St Andrews United Church , 291 Plaunt St.
The festival finishes with an Awards Ceremony May 7 at Trinity St Andrews United Church 7 - 9 pm 
The Awards Ceremony is free and everyone is welcome to attend.
Renfrew Rotary Music Festival 2014-04-23 00:00:00Z 0
LETS TALK 2014-03-19 00:00:00Z 0



Major Projects

The Rotary Club of Renfrew has undertaken a large number of local projects which benefit people of our area directly. They include:

This is a new District Project aimed at assisting the poor in El Salvador by providing goods and expertise. Several Clubs are involved. We also have several members who have ‘adopted’ children and are helping to support them.

We are currently raising funds and have pledged $80,000 in support of Hospice Renfrew. To date we have donated $8,000.

The Rotary Club built low cost rental housing for seniors in 1955 to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Rotary. It still administers them today.

One of the only 7 day-a-week Meals on Wheels programs has been a part of Rotary for many, many years.

Our $70,000 pledge IS COMPLETE!!! AS OF AUGUST, 1999. In all, we have donated over $150,000 to the hospital over the years.

This Easter Seals Camp for the physically challenged has undergone a massive rebuilding of its facilities helped by the Rotary Club of Renfrew’s $75,000 pledge. THIS PLEDGE IS NOW ALSO COMPLETED. We also support the cost of sending children from our area to camps each summer.

Since 1982, more than 20 Renfrew and area students have had the opportunity to live for a year in a foreign country and a similar number of students from other countries have enriched the lives of our community by spending time here. Our students have traveled to and lived in countries as diverse as Sweden, Japan, France, Australia, Germany and Holland. In-coming students have been from Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia and Japan among others.

The Rotary Club of Renfrew had a very long association with the Easter Seals Society and was an ‘Easter Seals’ Club’ going back 60 years or more. Although we no longer have a formal association with Easter Seals, Rotary continues to support challenged youth both locally and internationally.

Each spring, Rotary sponsors the local Music Festival. This is a very large event requiring many months of work to prepare.

ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY – Renfrew Rotary has adopted the part of Highway 17 between O’Brien Road and County Road 6. At least two times a year, we remove the litter from the sides of the highway.

We support Rotary’s world-wide programs by donating to the Rotary Foundation on a regular basis. This year, we hope to donate a minimum of $100.00 per member.

In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Rotary International, Renfrew Rotary build a Splash Pad to benefit the citizens of Renfrew by providing a unique aquatic experience. Located at Ma-te-way Park, it opened on July 1, 2005 and has been in high demand throughout the summer. This project, in conjunction with the Town of Renfrew, cost about $100,000 to construct



Posted by Kathleen Lofthouse
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RENNO Kathleen Lofthouse 0